Caring for Patients, Teaching Students, Sharing Knowledge

Dr. Lorne Label is a Board-Certified Neurologist who treats patients with neurological disorders, teaches the students of UCLA’s Department of Neurology and Loyola Marymount University and provides litigation support to attorneys in the field of neurology. We worked with Dr. Label to redesign his website and better explain his field of expertise.

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California Neurological Specialists

The CNS website was in need of a major overhaul. With dated design and excessive copy, the website had become more of a hassle than an asset. We started by evaluating the website copy to reorganize and condense the information. The new, mobile-friendly design favors a drop-down format to keep Dr. Label’s extensive accomplishments, publications and experience organized and easy to navigate. Dr. Label and his team can easily update the content, including adding new resources and publications, using the content management system.

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